Here is my bubble.

Kingbee Records (Q-R)

A-B C-D E-F G-H I-J K-L M-N O-P Q-R S-T U-V W-X Y-Z 0-9
7" Q'65 - Kjoe BloesEx- / M £6.00 LH
LP QI Elves - No Such Thing As A FishVg+ / M- £18.00 LH
7" Quartz - Live QuartzEx £3.00 LH
7" Quartzlock - No RegretsEx- £3.00 LH
7" Quator - Spy TrapVg+ £10.00 LH
7" Quatro, Suzi - Baby You're A StarVg+ / Ex- £3.00 LH
7" Quatro, Suzi - The Wild OneVg+ / Ex- £6.00 LH
LP Queen - A Night At The OperaM- / M £20.00 LH
7" Queen - Don't Stop Me NowVg+ / M- £10.00 LH
7" Queen - I Want It AllVg+ / Ex £3.00 LH
7" Queen - InnuendoVg+ / Ex £5.00 LH
7" Queen - Interview 81 / 83Ex £8.00 LH
7" Queen - ScandalVg+ / Ex- £8.00 LH
7" Queen Zee & The Sasstones - Sissy FistsEx / Ex £4.00 LH
LP Quilt - QuiltEx / Vg+ £10.00 LH
7" Quireboys - 7 O'ClockVg+ / M £3.00 LH
LP Quliyev, Rustam - Azerbaijani GitaraM / Ex £12.00 LH
7" Raconteurs - Salute Your SolutionEx / M £8.00 LH
LP Radio Balkan - Radio BalkanEx- / Vg+ £6.00 LH
SHP Radio Heart Featuring Gary Numan - Radio HeartEx- £5.00 LH
LP Rag 'N' Bone Man - HumanVg / Ex- £8.00 LH
12" Rage Against The Machine - BombtrackVg+ / Ex- £18.00 LH
12" Rage Against The Machine - Bullet In The HeadEx- / M £18.00 LH
7" Rah Band - Sorry Doesn't Make It AnymoreVg+ / M £3.00 LH
7" Rails - Bonnie PortmoreEx- / Ex- £8.00 LH
LP Rainbow - Black Masquerade Volume TwoVg+ / M £15.00 LH
7" Ram Inn Junction - Kwela KwelaEx- £6.00 LH
LP Ramone, CJ - American BeautyM- / M £12.00 LH
7" Ramone, Joey - Rock 'N Roll Is The AnswerM- / M £10.00 LH
7" Ran-Dells - Martian HopM- £5.00 LH
7" Rancid - Another NightM / M- £4.00 LH
7" Rancid - Born FrustratedM / Ex £5.00 LH
7" Rancid - DisconnectedVg+ / Ex £4.00 LH
7" Rancid - Spirit Of '87Ex- / M £5.00 LH
12" Random, Eric & The Bedlamites - Mad As MankindVg+ / Ex £15.00 LH
7" Raph, Pierre - Jeunes Filles ImpudiquesEx / Ex- £8.00 LH
10" Raph, Pierre - Requiem Pour Un VampireEx- / Ex- £15.00 LH
LP Rapiers - The RapiersVg+ / Ex- £10.00 LH
7" Rare Gems Odyssey - What Is FunkEx £4.00 LH
LP Ras Imruh Asha - Backs Against The WallEx- / Vg+ £8.00 LH
LP Rat Columns - Candle PowerM / M £15.00 LH
LP Rats On Rafts - Excerpts From Chapter 3M / M £10.00 LH
LP Rats On Rafts - Tape HissM- / Ex £10.00 LH
LP Ratt - RattVg+ / M £12.00 LH
7" Rattles - Devil's SonVg+ / Ex- £5.00 LH
7" Raveonettes - Love In A TrashcanEx- / M- £10.00 LH
LP Ravioli Me Away - Living Is A MythEx- / M £12.00 LH
LP Ravioli Me Away - The Inevitable AlbumVg+ / Ex £8.00 LH
12" Raw Recruits - Magic FlyVg+ / Ex £6.00 LH
12" Rawson, Tommy - IllusionsEx- / Ex £10.00 LH
12" Ray Tracing - SlodatoVg+ / Vg+ £8.00 LH
7" Ray, Danny - Just Like A RiverEx £3.00 LH
7" Ray, Gemma with Sparks - Gemma Ray Sings Sparks With SparksM / Ex £12.00 LH
LP Rays - RaysM / M £15.00 LH
7" Razorcuts - I Heard You The First TimeEx- / Ex- £12.00 LH
7" Razoreater / Iced Out - Razoreater / Iced OutEx- / Ex- £4.00 LH
7" Real Thing - Rainin' Through My Sunshine EPEx- / M- £3.00 LH
7" Real To Real - White Man ReggaeEx- / Ex- £4.00 LH
7" Reatard, Jay - Painted ShutEx / Ex £8.00 LH
LP Records - CrashesEx- / Ex- £8.00 LH
7" Red - I Can FlyVg+ / Ex £4.00 LH
LP Red Axes - The Beach GothsM / M- £15.00 LH
LP Red Crayola with Art & Language - Black SnakesEx- / Ex- £15.00 LH
12" Red Hot Chili Peppers - Go RobotM- / M £8.00 LH
LP Red Hot Chili Peppers - Live At Pat O'Brien Pavilion, Del Mar, CA December 28th 1991M- / M £12.00 LH
7" Red Hot Chili Peppers - Strange ManEx / M- £15.00 LH
LP Red Krayola - God Bless The Red Krayola And All Who Sail With ItM- / M- £15.00 LH
LP Red Krayola - HazelVg+ / M- £12.00 LH
7" Redbone - WovokaEx- £6.00 LH
LP Redbone, Leon - On The TrackM / M £10.00 LH
7" Redd Foxx BBQ - Last Call / Leave My RoomEx / M £3.00 LH
LP Reddy, Ailbhe - Personal HistoryVg+ / M £15.00 LH
7" Ree-Vo - Spacebox (Remix)Ex- / M £8.00 LH
LP Reed, Ben - Station MastersEx / Vg+ £8.00 LH
LP Reed, Blind Alfred - How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times & Live?Vg+ / Ex- £8.00 LH
7" Reed, Lou - Caroline SaysVg+ / Ex- £8.00 LH
7" Reed, Lou - Walk On The Wild SideVg+ / Ex- £7.00 LH
7" Regan, Joan - One Of The Lucky OnesEx £8.00 LH
7" Regurgitator - Black BugsVg+ / M £4.00 LH
7" REM - DriveVg+ £3.00 LH
7" Rentals - I Got A Crush On YouEx- / M- £4.00 LH
10" Replacements - The Replacements EPVg+ / M £7.00 LH
LP Reptaliens - FM-2030Ex- / Ex- £7.00 LH
7" Residents - Kaw-LigaVg+ / Ex £8.00 LH
7" Reuters - E.P.M / M £6.00 LH
LP Reuters - We Are From HuM- / M £10.00 LH
7" Rev Horton Heat / Supersuckers - Caliente / 400 BucksEx / M- £7.00 LH
12" Revenge - Gun World PornEx- / M- £7.00 LH
7" Revenge Of The Carrots - Hol-Low-LifeVg+ / Ex- £3.00 LH
12" Revolting Cocks - Stainless Steel ProvidersVg+ / Ex- £10.00 LH
7" Revolving Paint Dream - Flowers In The SkyM / M £8.00 LH
LP Rex Orange County - PonyEx- / M £12.00 LH
7" Rezillos - (My Baby Does) Good Sculptures (Old Grey Whistle Test 26.9.78)M / M £15.00 LH
7" Rhead Brothers - Black ShaheenVg+ / Ex £8.00 LH
LP Rhead Brothers - DedicateVg+ / Ex £7.00 LH
LP Rhodes, Emitt - MirrorEx / Ex £8.00 LH
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